Saturday, March 27, 2010

Thematic Variation [Graphic Cont.]

The following material is from a recent completion--a study of Thematic Variation through graphic representation.  The project began as a series of three graphic variations based on a primary concept from my Hyb_Arch [01] project from December.  Each composition focused on capturing the essence of several elements of composition and graphic devices--utilizing underlying conceptual ideas from my process work and project development to later create a cohesive presentation of several graphic spreads.

[Image 01] : Final production cover page

[Image 02] : Final Production page one: Fusion of hand sketching, model photography, graphite rendering and text to create preliminary page rich with information and communicative of overall form and context.

[Image 03] : Final production page two: First two of the original graphic variations.  The upper variation utilizes a hand-drawn composite as a base for further exploration.  The variation seeks to explore layering, contrast, and impact--as both graphic devices and within the context of the hybrid design itself. The bottom image, also utilizing the same hand-drawn composite as a catalyst for thematic variation, emphasizes transparency, materiality, and pattern in the context of the hybrid design. 

[Image 04] : Final production page three: Second informative page.  This 'stabilizing' spread offers a grounding combination of model photography and hand sketching to further define the technical and developmental process of the the design.

[Image 05]: Final production page four: The second half of the original thematic variation.  Once again returning to the hand-drawn composite as a reference, the upper variation explores environmental context: Urban context, Rural context, and an Interstitial space.  The lower variation explores a contextual variation with people, discussing posture and human scale in relation to architectural form, human engagement, and activity in space.

1 comment:

  1. Wow this stuff is amazing. I love the detail in your design
