Thursday, December 29, 2011

Being Here

It must have been foggy
Because our eyes only stretched
Just slightly past the panes
And the coolness of the grey
Kept us content under the blankets.

I wondered, then
If ever I would lose myself
The way that I did before.
Feeling so on course
So wonderfully aligned
"My determination
And my obscure passion for pastimes
Do not a good pair make"
I joke. We sit.

She smiles like she does
When I make mistakes
When I put on my begging face
When I laugh at myself.
She doesn't even know
The extent of my longing
Or the power of her arms.

I calculate everything
Everything is cut and measured
I'm feeding myself impossible realities
But, you know,
It's better than living in a lie.

She shakes her foot
Almost like she's kicking away the awkwardness
I smile at her
Like I do when she makes mistakes
Like I do when she laughs at herself.

It's so nice.
Being here.